Malta amazes me. I've lived here for thirteen years and even though this island is the size of my pinky there are always places to discover. I think I battled with the idea of living here for so long that I forgot that I could truly enjoy this country. It was only when I moved away for a short period of time at the beginning of this year that I realised just how in love with Malta I really am. It's where my heart feels at peace.
On a quiet morning a couple of weeks ago, a friend and I decided to go for an early breakfast of Maltese toasted bread and coffee in Mgarr. It was probably the cheapest breakfast I'd ever bought in Malta and it certainly filled the bread craving gap. Afterwards we ventured off to the not so far away Why Not? Creativity Vortex which is also in Mgarr.

What is this place?
The Creativity Vortex is the creation of an NGO functioning in Malta called Why Not? In essence, it's an 8 meter Bamboo Geodesic Dome created from locally sourced materials. It's a non permanent shelter where organisations can hold events such as talks, meditation, yoga and creativity through art such as music.

The area surrounding the vortex is a quietness that you rarely find in Malta. It feels peaceful and the air is light. There were only a few people when we entered, all sitting around a table conversing. Why Not allows people to visit and camp on the premises in exchange for participating in some voluntary work around the area. You can even ask to set up your own plot of land to grow your own organic produce!

We had a little nosey about the land, stepped inside the vortex, made music with the gong (so much fun!), climbed the treehouse and sat awhile. We even thought about spending a night here in summer which I would definitely be up for. Luckily I have a mosquito net or I will be mossie bait for the entire night, ha.

I think this is such a brilliant concept that I would like to involve myself in eventually. My own downfall is that I don't drive yet so I know I'll find it difficult to get to and from there. Hopefully in the future though :)
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